We were VERY busy.
I can't remember if I told you or not, but in my first meeting with the Bishop (and the elders) I mentioned doing a "missionary week" for the entire ward (not just the youth like we did in our home ward). Bishop liked the idea, but wanted to see an outline so I typed one up and met with the elders to get everything organized and figured out exactly what we wanted the ward to do.
It's taken a couple of weeks but we kicked it off yesterday!! I honestly think it will be great. I told Bishop that this may not be the thing that gets the ward excited about missionary work, but if we get one solid refferral out of it, that's one more than we are getting now so that sounds like success to me!!
I think it will be much better than that though. :)
We are ending the week with a fireside and President Smart is going to speak at it which will be AWESOME!
It has sort of turned into a "thing". Apparently, the Bishop told the Stake President about it and then he asked Bishop to present it in a meeting and gave all of the bishops a copy of my chart.
We are all excited to see how it turns out, but I'm feeling a little pressure. I am really praying that this will go as planned.
Sister Jin and I had our first really exciting experience and of course, it was to humble me. :)
I am pretty sure I've said this before, but I do not have a testimony of tracting. I have never seen success come from it, it puts everyone in a bad mood really quick, and I would rather do something more productive like get referrals from members.
Sister Jin really wanted to tract one day and instead of fighting it like the 5 times before I said "okay, but only one street."
We parked at the bottom of the street and started to make our way up.
Most people were not answering their door or when they did, they would say "no thanks" before we could even say "hi". (We did knock on a couple of JDubs doors which is always fun.)
Finally, we got to the 3rd to last door on the street and a young man answered the door and was very happy. He expressed his love for our Savior and practically BEGGED for a blessing.
We scheduled to go back the next night.
We were excited because the only other blessing we have given was the first week I was here.
We went back the next night and Sister Jin left an AWESOME blessing (her english has gotten so much better) and the spirit was really strong. After the blessing, we talked to him about the Book of Mormon and invited him to read and pray. He agreed which left the door open for me to invite him to be baptized, which he also agreed he would do once he knows the church is true!
We were SO happy! :)
Sister Jin then invited him to church and he was really excited about it. We had our ward mission leader pick him up and he stayed for ALL THREE meetings!
Since I've been on my mission I have realized that not everyone who wants to meet with us has the right intentions...if you know what I mean?
That was something that we were a little worried about with Jesse, but we were just excited to have someone come to church.
He ended up sitting between us which was weird and awkward...I don't really know how that happened. Anyway, he was quite friendly to me and sat RIGHT next to me. I try not to think into anything like that though because I can't tell if I am just a paranoid, awkward missionary or if I'm getting the vibes.
Luckily, if he started with the wrong intentions I think he has the right ones after going to church.
He asked some basic questions like, "why don't we believe in the trinity?" and then he asked if he could participate in missionary week too! I don't really know how that works with non-members, but I was all for it because he took ALL of the materials home with him!
We are teaching him about the Restoration tonight and we're quite excited about it. :)
I have a good feeling about him and Sister Jin said that as she was leaving the blessing she felt like he was going to serve a mission. He is 22 so we need to get to work! :)
Oh I almost forgot...
We had multi-zones so I was able to see all of my homies! It was seriously so fun.
Elder Snyder was late to the meeting, but when he saw me (in the chapel) he ran over and gave me the biggest...handshake. (We served together my entire time in Eastvale.)
Everyone was staring so it was a tad awkward, but I was too happy to care.
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"Elder Snyder is going home in December so this is the last time I will see him" |
Sister Anderson and I had quite the embrace. :) It made me really miss her though. We were inseperable for the whole two hours. She is my bestie for life.
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"Love her longtime" |
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"Sister Jin and I throwing up the peace sign...naturally" |
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"We have the largest zone" |
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"My babies" (Editor: I don't know why it won't let me rotate the pics this week) |
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"Love Sister Todd...my comp from MTC" |
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"Elder Synder and Elder Schoonmaker messing with my camera" |
I love you all and was SO HAPPY to get a package from the primary! It truly warmed my soul. :)
Sister Nelson
(email received October 14, 2013)