Momma Nelson said my peeps want an email update....
So, this is for the peeps.
I really should be excited because we picked up a new investigator this week!
M I R A C L E let me tell ya.
We had lunch with all of the sisters in Corona for Sister Mangums birthday (don't have a picture sorry about that) and we were just having a jolly good time at Chipotle when I checked the phone and saw that we were blown up!
That NEVER happens.
We had 3 missed calls and 3 text messages from our dear Sister Sutherland from the ward. All I can remember is that one of the texts said "Where are you?? I have a baptism for you!"
So we called her and told her we'd be there in 10 minutes.
We arrived and met the Kat. Actually, her name is Kathy. It's fine. Apparently they had a very spiritual experience watching an Irish man singing Hallelujah while marrying a couple…
It's non-LDS related and is going viral? #kray
Well after feeling the spirit through that they watched a fireside on youtube (LDS related) and that was also very powerful and afterwards Sister Sutherland says "Kathy, you need to be's time!"
Then we walked in and since she had felt the spirit she obviously needs to be baptized so we went over what she needed to do to make that happen...
First, we mentioned the interview questions and told her that we will go over those with her (which we did later and she passed) and that she needs to come to church 3 times before she can be baptized.
She said "So, could I go to the 9 o'clock, 11 o'clock and 2 o'clock wards?"
We giggled and said that it doesn't really work like that... #krazykool
We closed up the meeting with watching #becauseofhim, obvi, and she loved it and felt the spirit again and cried and still wanted to be baptized... on Mother's Day! (I forgot to add that little detail!) :)
We left all excited and called our District Leader freaking out and having a really good time.
Until Thursday, our next lesson...
We told Kat that even though she already knows everything (she has had the lessons a few times and was active a couple of years ago, just never baptized) that we were still going to teach them again, just in case.
We taught her the Restoration and she LOVED it.
Seriously, REALLY loved it.
She had us recite the first vision TWICE... #kray
So, we have this bomb of a lesson, say a closing prayer, oh and we gave her some more commitments to keep and then as we were walking out the door talking about coming to church on Sunday...
*Ladies and gentlemen, please keep all hand and feet inside the car cause we are going for a ride*
She begins to tell us that she doesn't like the people at church!
She has nicknames for them such as…a man who she claims took everything away from her she calls Steingrabber instead of Steingraber. Oh and there is a lady who is apparently evil (she's really not, she's the sweetest and we love her) whose name is Gaylene and she calls her Gaymean.
And to make matters worse, she goes on a little rant about how she is going to get "Gaymean" in the
bathroom and give her a swirly... #kraykeepskomin
Sister Tucker and I were walking as fast as we could to the car saying under our breath "Please make it stop. Please stop talking. Why is this happening?"
I literally thought that I was going to have a heart attack at church yesterday because "Steingrabber" sat right next to the door at church so we were both praying that Krazy Kat wouldn't come in swinging.
Sister Tucker was so stressed she literally developed a zit by the time we were in Relief Society.
Kat didn't end up attending sacrament, but did make it to the last two hours. Relief Society was the best. And by best, I mean worst.
She was talking to the people around her about other sisters and the reasons she doesn't like them and she wasn't doing it quietly. We had all sorts of questions after church from just about every member of the ward.
But it's fine. We're all krazy and we all need to be baptized. Even the Kats.
Needless to say, tomorrows lessons is going to be about charity and that we are ALL children of God.
I'm out of time, but I love you all!
Peace out peeps!
"Me and my girl Amy" |