Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I don't know who I am anymore

Hola family!


It was seriously the best thing. I was so excited, but I should probably let you know you didn't finish writing in the card! 

Hahaha you were saying something about something and then it said "with"...and then nothing. 

It was funny roommates got a REAL kick out of it.

That's what the MTC does to you...the DUMBEST things turn into the FUNNIEST things you've ever heard! I don't even know who I am anymore. :)

Okay, let me answer some of your questions...

I can't remember exactly what I didn't tell you about my companion, but she is 19, from Idaho and she is going to Riverside too. 

Actually, my entire district is going to Riverside! We all leave together on Tuesday. We report to the travel office at 7:30 AM. 

TOTES excited.

Yes, there is yoga here, but it's not what you want it to be. I tried it then quickly realized I HATE yoga. 

I now play four square on the daily. To be honest, I think I'm quite good. :) 

It's about the only thing we can do with the elders that is competitive enough to meet my needs. We don't get gym time today and I am super bummed.

Yes, I brought my, I did not bring solution. I wear my glasses practically every day. I have to take them off every once in a while because they give me a headache from all of the studying and crying and lack of sleep. It's no bueno.

Is the bed comfy? No. I mean, it's FINE. I am so tired at night that it doesn't matter. At least I have the bottom bunk :) 

The MTC is our mission field. Outside of the gates, the mission includes the field in front of the temple and temple grounds. So no, I can't go to the creamery or on campus. That's probably a good thing because I would be on the lookout for everyone I know.

I do seriously love it here. Missionary work is not easy at all and we haven't really even started yet. Because we are only here for 12 days they give it to you really fast. 

I am getting it, but it's a bit SCARY to think that I only have a few more days until the real thing. 

Some experiences I've had...

We started TRC on Monday. We are handed a referral slip with some information about a possible investigator who we need to go meet. Then we prepare a lesson for them and go knock on their door (just a room in the MTC) and go from there. 

We practice with progressing investigators (who are just our teachers playing the role of an investigator.) When you see your TRC investigator, even outside of the room, you need to treat them like an investigator. 

So, we received both of our slips on Saturday and needed to be prepared for Monday afternoon. 

An hour before we were supposed to teach, one of the teachers tells us that we will no longer be teaching "Rachel" and instead we need to prepare for "Lawana." 


We met Lawana on the first day we were here. She is a large black woman with a BIG attitude and she is not easy to teach. She makes it more of a debate and she runs the show. 

She is VERY intimidating. 

In TRC she has been known to throw missionaries out of her "house." (Some of the TRC investigators are members and some are not...we are never told.)

So, we went to teach Lawana and it was awful. We wanted to teach her about the Plan of Salvation and that she is a child of God who loves her, but she wasn't having any of it. 

Maybe 5 minutes into the lesson she says "Hold up! How do you know that He wants Lawana to do that? You don't know me. You don't know my life!

We tried to bear testimony and read scripture, but it was not what she wanted to hear. 

She probably said "You don't know Lawana" a thousand times.

The only thing we had going for us was that we were funny and she knew that we loved her (OBVIOUSLY I love her, I want to be her best friend!) 

Finally, as we asked her questions (we asked about a hundred) she started to break down and cry and said that she knew Jesus Christ had sent us and that she's missing something in her life. 


She committed to pray and invited us back on Wednesday. We were so happy when we left. It truly felt like an accomplishment.

Wednesday we go meet with her again and she completely forgot what she said on Monday! 

Again, we couldn't answer anything right. When we tried to remind her why she invited us back she said she only let us come because her friend asked her to meet with us. :( 

We tried everything we knew and we were still not getting anywhere and I was seriously about to cry when she went silent for a very long time.  

Eventually, she said "I am probably going to get in big trouble for this, but..." and then she stopped being an investigator and told us her conversion story. 

It was sweet and very humbling. After she was done, I hugged her goodbye and thanked her before we left. 

We went WAY over time and we were late for our next appointment. 

I actually wish we didn't go to the next appointment because neither Sister Todd or I wanted to be there and we were still all worked up over Lawana so I can't even tell you how it went because I don't remember.

When we got back to the classroom Sister Todd broke down and cried, but wouldn't talk about it. I kept telling her that things like that are going to happen in the mission field all the time, but you can't take it personally. You have to take what you can learn from it, improve, and move on. 

She didn't want to hear it. 

It was really AWKWARD for the next 4 hours because she wouldn't let it go and even WORSE she wouldn't talk to me about it. 

She kept saying "Sister, I don't want to talk about it." It was a real test of my patience. 

After a while I had to go to the bathroom (which was awkward because we hadn't talked and we have to go together) and when I walked out of the stall she was sitting in the corner on the bathroom floor. 


So, I tried to help her and tell her that everything happens for a reason, but she snapped at me and said "Sister, do not talk about it anymore.

Really? You are calling attention to yourself by sitting on the bathroom floor and when someone tries to help you, you shut them down? 

I couldn't take it anymore. 

I said "Okay, I don't mean to sound rude, but you look PATHETIC. So stand up, get over it and let's move on shall we?" :) 

Luckily, she did just that. 

I had a meeting with the new districts in our zone right after, but when I got home we had a very loving talk and everything is good again. That was by far the hardest thing these past couple of days.

I love it here though! I have learned so much and my testimony is STRONGER than ever. 

Heavenly Father loves all of His children and truly knows us better than we know ourselves. 

We need to have faith and put our trust in Him. If we do that and work hard, everything will work out and we will be blessed.

I love and miss you all so much!!!! 

I wish I could write more, but I am completely out of time. 

Tell the boys they should be receiving a letter soon :)


Sister Nelson

PS. My calling has been keeping me SUPER busy. I am the only sister in my district who hasn't gotten a blessing.

Five sisters are sick (myself included) and one of them has bronchitis. 

I have brought two of the sisters to get blessings in the middle of the night and everyone is dealing with feeling inadequate or homesick. 

Life is good. 


(email received May 4, 2013) 

After a long day in the MTC Nat came home to find her door decorated by some of the sisters in her district.

The lovely sisters responsible for her door decorations.

Sisters Lasson and Hadley.  These are the new 
Sister Training Leaders that Natalie trained.

Elders Cowley and Rainey.  Nat's Zone Leaders in MTC 
(ASL missionaries)

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