Monday, July 8, 2013

Booths and Bashing in the park

Another CRAZY week in sunny California! Seriously, I can't remember the last "normal" week we've had.

This week there was a 3-day carnival in Eastvale called "Picnic in the Park."  There were all kinds of rides and yummy food and lots of booths for businesses and things. Our ward has a booth every year and this year they wanted the missionaries to be working it the entire time. 

It was so fun! The Elders were there pretty much the entire time since they are the only ones who speak Chinese. The Hermanas (spanish speaking sisters) were there most of the time and then we split the time between our ward and Eastvale 2nd ward for the English missionaries.

It was a BLAST except for the fact that it was 110 degrees all weekend! I seriously have never been in heat like that. I was constantly sweating. Some members of the Bishopric brought us misters and I am sure you can imagine how much fun a group of hot, sweaty missionaries, who aren't allowed to go swimming, had with these ice cold misters. It was a REAL. GOOD. TIME.

We talked to SOOOO many people! We probably invited 200 people to a scripture study class that we are starting (as a companionship) this Saturday. It will be interesting to see if anyone shows up.

Most of the people were really nice. Some people came over to ask specific questions and we had about 25 people come over and ask for a Book of Mormon. We have a few appointments this week from the contacts so it will be interesting to see where they go.

There was only one person who came to in "Bible Bashing." It was my very first bash and I have to say, it ended up being a cool experience. 

Every single day, our testimonies get challenged and lately it was sort of getting to me. I never questioned if I should be here or if the church is true, just if I am living what I am preaching sort of a thing. 

Anyway, I was sitting in the tent and I noticed that there was a boy that had been talking to Hermana Ruiz and Elder Opeda (one of the Chinese speaking Elders in my ward) for a while so I decided to get in on the convo. 

The boy was only 16, but by the questions he was asking, we could tell he had done his research. He knew all about Joseph Smith and the Plan of Salvation all the way down to the 3 kingdoms. He started to state things we believe such as the Godhead being 3 separate beings and that's when the bashing began...

He started stating how we were wrong and was throwing all sorts of Bible verses at us. Thank goodness Elder Opeda was there because he was able to quote quite a few verses in the Bible to help back up our beliefs. 

I began to challenge him and asked if he believed that God came to earth as Jesus Christ (which he did) then what happened when He was baptized or when He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemene or when He died on the cross? 

He didn't really have any answers which frustrated him. He started pulling out all sorts of "historical proof" on why the church wasn't true. So, I asked him where he got his research and when he said the internet and books written by scholars I told him that if he was trying to find out if the church was true he might want to read books that are published by the church. 

At this point there were about 6 missionaries against this one boy and we were all starting to get offended. So we were trying to cool it down when the boy said "let me give you a challenge."

and I said "only if I can give you one too."

He agreed and said "I am 16 years old and actually grew up a member. When I was 14,  I went on a Christian retreat and had a spiritual experience where the truth was revealed to me. For the past two years I have been on the right path by choosing not to be a part of any specific religion, but I follow Jesus Christ.  I want each of you to really ponder your testimonies to figure out if you truly believe what you're preaching or if it's just what you have been taught since you were little and know no other way."

In unison we all said "We have. That's why we're here!

It was sweet. That's when the spirit was REALLY strong. 

So I said to him "Now, can I tell you something? I am so grateful that you came here and talked with us today because you have strengthened my testimony. I know that this is the true church and I know that it is the only way we can live with our Father in Heaven again.

He shook his head and said "but you don't have any proof!

I said "Okay. Who on earth loves you the most...your mom or your dad? Maybe a brother or sister?"

He said "my parents

I said "how do you know that?

He said "they tell me

I said "so what? I am telling you this church is true and you are saying it's not. Where is the proof? Give me some proof that your mom loves you

He said "she takes care of me

I said "so then does your doctor love you? No. Give me some proof.

He said "she does things for me

I said "like drive you places or make you food? Does that mean that the bus driver or chef at a restaurant loves you? No. You know that your mom loves you because you can feel it. You feel the love that your mom has for you in your heart. It is the same thing with the gospel. I don't know that this is the only true Gospel because of the proof, I know it because I can feel it. Because Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Ghost has testified to me that this is the only way to return and live with Him. Now, I challenge you to find that desire within yourself to truly know if this is the true church and I promise you that if you pray with faith that the revelation you will receive will be something you cannot deny as long as you are willing to follow Him."

He just shook his head and told us that he felt bad for us and was ALMOST emotional and then walked away. I have not been able to stop thinking about that boy. 

When we are looking for "evidence" the church isn't true, Satan will be your right hand man. But, if we strive to learn for ourselves that the gospel is true, we will have revelation so strong that like Joseph Smith said "I knew it and I knew that God knew it and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it."

I KNOW that this is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I KNOW that through our faith in Him and our obedience to our Heavenly Father's commandments we can experience true joy and happiness.

I love you all so much and I love this gospel and the opportunity I have to be on a mission.

Sister Nelson

PS.  The bruise Sister Anderson sustained from her bike crash last week...

(email received July 1, 2013)

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