Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Momma, this one's for you...

So I love it here in Corona!! 

Sister Jin and I get a long quite well. She is adorable and she knows it. 

She calls herself "The Riverside Cutie". Totes presh (totally precious) and I love her.

She is from Seoul, South Korea and went to BYU-Hawaii for a year before she left on her mission.

President and Sister Smart with Sister Jin. Sister Jin brought them Hanbok,
which is traditional Korean dress.

We are living with the Boyce family and I LOVE them! They are so awesome!! 

The first day Brother Boyce left a talk on my desk that Elder Holland gave in the Brazil MTC in 2000 titled "The Miracle of a Mission". IT. IS. THE. BEST! Jennie should send it to Nelson. I cried through the whole thing. I love that man.

Goodness I am full of love today.

There is only one bummer part about Corona...the work seems to be slow. At least in the Corona ward. When I arrived here, we had ZERO investigators. Not even a single potenial. Rough sauce. 

So, Sister Jin and I have been searching for investigators ALL week. We were so busy going through the area book, visiting formers and spliting our area (we now have two sets of missionaries in the ward so we only cover the west side) as well as visiting less actives and part member families, etc. 

So as far as the work goes, this week wasn't the best, but Sister Jin and I had some REALLY funny moments.

Since she only moved to the states from Korea a year ago, she still has a heavy accent when she speaks. 

For example...when I first got here, she sat me down in our room and said "what are your rules?

I said "what do you mean?

She responded "like what do you hate?

I laughed and told her that I was pretty easy going and I couldn't think of anything. 

Then I asked her the same question... 

She said "I have two rules. One, I hate faarting

I had a big smile on my face and said "Um, what?

She said "faarting...ffaaarrttiinng

I started to giggle and then she said "F-L-I-R-T-I-N-G

I said "ohhhhhh haha okay I promise I wont flirt and I'll try not to fart!

She didn't exactly get how funny it was. :)

I love her so stinkin' much. She is such a great missionary, a very hard worker. I can't wait to see how this transfer goes.

Last night we were able to teach a girl named Laura. She is 23 and really good friends with our homeshares. She dated their son and now he is on his mission, but she still comes over twice a week. 

She has been coming to church for over a year and this past January she really started to consider baptism. She ended up setting a baptismal date for January 2014.

We decided to show her the "Choose this Day" mormon message. She loved it, but still had some concerns. 

Her mom is not the biggest fan and has the normal issues of not being able to attend her wedding, saying that it will change their relationship, that she is being brained washed and doesn't really know what she is doing. 

I said "Laura, I am really glad that you told me that because I already have so much love for you, but I have a story that I feel like you need to hear

Then I went on to tell her about your conversion story, mom.

Now just a little side note: I was really homesick yesterday. Actually, really momsick. 

The only times I really get homesick is during sacrament meeting and yesterday the topic was "honor your father and mother" but everyone mostly talked about their moms and how grateful they were for the sacrifices that their mothers made. 

So mom, I am beyond grateful for you. I honestly don't think I will ever be able to express how much love and gratitude I have for you. I could not ask for a better mom. I look up to you in every way. Thank you for all that you do. 

I went on to tell Laura about how you wanted to be baptized and that everyone thought you were doing it for dad, but to show that you weren't, you didn't invite him or his family to your baptism. I told her how none of your relaionships changed and in the long run it was okay that none of your family was able to attend your sealing and that you all remained very close, if not closer because of your decision to be baptized. 

I said "Laura, I know that Heavenly Father has many blessings waiting for you that he cannot give you until you are baptized. I also know that your baptism will bless the lives of thousands of people. 

Do you know how I know that? 

I know it because of my mom...because I am one of those people. I am a direct result of her decision to be baptized. If she hadn't made that choice, I would not be here. I am so grateful for my mom. I am so grateful for her faith and her love of the Savior. It has blessed her life, it has blessed my life and now it is blessing your life."

I was very emotional (I still am), Sister Boyce was emotional and even Laura was emotional. 

It was VERY powerful and Laura committed to choosing a sooner date.

Mom, thank you so much for the example you still are to me today. I truly do get emotional every time I think about your decision to be baptized. 

I am so grateful that not only did you make that decision, but you remained faithful. You raised me and the boys in the ways we should go and always lead us down the right path. 

I hope that one day I can be the mom to my children that you have been to me. I love you. You are my best friend.

I love this gospel. I love my Savior. I love all of you.

Sister Nelson

(email received September 16, 2013)

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