Thursday, August 29, 2013

Allergic to water?

So this week was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

The baptisms were incredible.

First, was Hector. He was so nervous it was adorable. He got there an hour early so that we could show/explain everything that was going to happen. He was great. He was smiling so big the whole time. 

Sister Pyper sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" and it was beautiful. 

After the baptism, Hector went up to Sister Pyper and said "my whole body is tingling all over...what is that?

And cute Sister Pyper said "are you allergic to water?" Hahaha 

When he said "no" she said "OHHH! Hector that's the spirit! That's Heavenly Father telling you he is proud of you."

He smiled and said "Really? I feel so good!" :)

Sister Pyper, Nat, Brother that baptized Hector, Hector, and Sister Anderson

Afterwards, we went out to lunch with some ward members then back to the church for Skylar and Shaylee's baptism. 

They arrived early with us so that we could take lots of photos. They asked one of the youth to give a prayer and another to give the talk on baptism, which was awesome! 

I love the spirit that the youth bring when they bear testimony of Jesus Christ. 

Then it was time for the baptisms which were immediately emotional. 

Dakota baptized both of them. 

Edwards family with Bishop Louden

Skylar was first. The spirit really hit me then. I could feel the Savior's love for him and how excited He was to be able to bless him with the happiness of the gospel.

Next was Shaylee.  This little girl is very near and dear to our hearts. She texted us the day before her baptism and said that she had a writing assignment in class and the question was about who they look up to and why. 

Shayee said "I put you three. I wrote that I look up to my three sisters because they are nice and respectful and have so much knowledge.

We were so touched.

Since her mom didn't go to the baptism, we watched her be baptized next to the font (instead of out front) so we could wait for her with a towel. As soon as she came up out of the water she looked at us and started crying. 

I love her so much.

Natalie, Sister Pyper, Shaylee and Sister Anderson

This is going to be mom's favorite part....

After we helped Shaylee get dressed there was a musical number....yep, Sister Anderson and I sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" a cappella! 

Shaylee asked us to sing and of course, we couldn't say no! I have never been so nervous in my whole life.  

It was fine. 

Now the bishopric wants the three of us to sing in sacrament meeting. 

Nat, Dakota, Skylar, Shaylee, Sister Pyper and Sister Anderson

Anyway, yesterday was awesome as well. Dakota blessed the sacrament for the first time, Hector, Skylar and Shaylee were confirmed and Hector and Skylar received the Aaronic Priesthood!

Seriously the best weekend of my life. I was floating on air.

I know this email is short and I am sorry. I ran out of time really quick today and I have lots of pictures to send.

But, I love all of you. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be an instrument in the Lord's hands.


Sister Nelson

(email received August 26, 2013)

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